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> Spain and SCAR

> Functions

> Organization

Connection with other bodies

> Additional information

Spain and SCAR

Spain became an associated member of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) in 1987. The National SCAR Committee was established in 1990, when Spain became a SCAR full member. This shows the existence of scientific contributions of international interest and the commitment of Spain with Antarctic research.

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) was established in 1958 by the International Council for Science (ICSU), being an interdisciplinary body. SCAR is an organization composed by scientists and dedicated to promote and co-ordinate scientific research in Antarctica. SCAR also provides objective and independent scientific advice to the Antarctic Treaty. (see leaflet) Click here to download file

SCAR received the Prince of Asturias Award 2002 on International Cooperation, as a recognition to the values that SCAR represents since it was created. In 2013 SCAR was awarded with the Prix of the Prince Abert II of Monaco Foundation.

SCAR is constituted by 43 countries (31 Full Members and 12 Associate Members), each of them having a national committee.

SCAR has been one of the main participants involved in the International Polar Year 2007-2008 (IPY). The National SCAR Committee promoted Spanish participation in the IPY 2007-2008.



The Spanish SCAR Committee functions include:

Promoting scientific research in Antarctica
Representing Spanish scientific community in the international SCAR forum
Preparing and spreading Spanish reports to SCAR
Spreading SCAR information and recommendations in Spain
Promoting Spanish Antarctic research connection to SCAR scientific programmes
Promoting activities related to Antarctic research
Promoting the participation of Spanish researchers in international Antarctic initiatives and
   scientific programmes
Spreading the results of Spanish Antarctic research
Promoting publications related to Antarctic research
Promoting education and outreach activities related to Antarctic rese



The Spanish National SCAR Committee follows the international SCAR structure, existing Scientific Groups: SG on Geosciences, SG on Life Sciences and SG on Physical Sciences.

The Spanish National SCAR Committee consists of:

President-National SCAR Delegate
Dr. Carlota ESCUTIA
Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra
CSIC-Universidad de Granada
e-mail: cescutia@ugr.es 

CIENCIAS FÍSICAS- Scientific Group
on Physical Science

Dr. Francisco J. NAVARRO
ETSI Telecomunicación
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
e-mail: francisco.navarro@upm.es

Dr. María Luisa MONTOYA
Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
e-mail: mmontoya@ucm.es


CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA- Scientific Group on Geosciences

Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Granada
e-mail: jgalindo@ugr.es

Dr. Ángeles BÁRCENA
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Salamanca
e-mail: mbarcena@usal.es

CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA- Scientific Group on Life Sciences

Dr. Leopoldo G. SANCHO
Facultad de Farmacia
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
e-mail: sancholg@farm.ucm.es

Dr. Dolors VAQUÉ
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar
CSIC, Barcelona
e-mail: dolors@icm.csic.es














Connection with other bodies

The Spanish National SCAR Committee, as all other ICSU national comittees, is connected with the Deputy Direction of International Programmes of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

See lists of Spanish committees
See information about ICSU

The National SCAR Committee is linked with the Spanish Polar Committee, who is in charge of the general coordination of different agencies participating in Spanish polar activities, as well as enforcing the fulfilment of the Antarctic Treaty rules.

The committee is linked to the National Program of Polar Research, through which the Spanish Science and Technology system funds Spanish research in Antarctica.

SCAR promotes the management and access to the Antarctic scientific data by means of the Standing Committee on Antarctic Data Management (SCADM). The National SCAR Committee promoted the establishment of the National Antarctic Data Center in Spain, and facilitates its participation in the SCAR Standing Committee on Antarctic Data Management (SCADM).


Aditional information

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